Monday, 17 October 2011

Difficult Times Acknowledged By Guidance Counselor

I've been stressed with the latest developments in Dayton's grandpa's health.  It seems things have turned for the worst, and rather than having months or weeks left, he now has days left...  I pray we make it there in time for him to see Dayton one last time.

Trying to figure out social stories and picture schedule for Dayton and prepare him for the trip has been exhausting.  I've chewed of my gel nails, have no idea how I managed that, those things are tough, and my fingers are hurting from traumatizing them. 

Fortunately for me, Dayton's guidance counselor came through with her promise and has emailed me stuff she's sending home with Dayton today, cutting back on my stress level...  Maybe I will have the time to go see my doctor after all!  God bless her!

She's sending home a social story titled an Airplane Trip, a booklet I can use on the plane with Dayton that has three sections in it:  This is me, I felt, I did..., and two story books:  First Flight and Vehicles In The Air.  Thank God...  Dayton was worried about getting on the plane, so this should definitely be a huge help!!! 

Consider yourselves hugged, and pray for us to make it there on time...


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