Friday, 9 September 2011

And School Is In Session!

So the time has come where most parents celebrate as screaming and upset children are taken to school by bus...  But not this parent.

So, I got to meet Dayton's new teacher and teacher's assistant yesterday.  I really don't want to jinx myself by saying this in public, but I like them both!  I really hope that this is going to be a good year.  I'm trying to think positive, and praying that I warm up to the new principal soon.  We got off on the wrong foot last week.  Then again yesterday, and the day before that...  I'm going to chalk it up to misunderstanding each other, and pray our relationship gets better.  We have however, come to an agreement about Dayton's need for "quiet time" to work.  And we agree on the classroom / storage room where Dayton can work with his teacher's assistant when he can not focus in the classroom. 

Dayton's new teacher seemed very comfortable with our visit, as did Dayton's new teacher's assistant.  His assistant is into wrestling...  SCORE!!!  Getting Dayton "unhooked" from guns, meant I had to help him find another "passion."  And so the passion for wrestling and hockey began.  Wrestling was his father's idea, naturally, and come to think of it, so was hockey...  Good job dad!!!  Back to the point, the teacher's assistant got Dayton's attention very quickly, and the bonus is that she has beautiful, long blond hair - Dayton's favorite!  He loves blond, long hair, and the lady likes wrestling!  Awesome!!!  Dayton could not stop talking about her on his bike ride home.  Instead of being super upset about going to school and dreading it as he has been these past few weeks, he's actually asking me when he'll see his assistant again!  "Two sleep Dayton, and you'll get to see her again sweety."
"Cool.  Do you think she'll let me play with her hair mamma?"
"I don't think so babe.  Most ladies don't like their hair touched."
"But you like it when I do."
I don't have the heart to tell him that I only let him play with my hair to calm him down and help him fall asleep, not because I like it.  Birds circle my head the next morning as I have my morning coffee on the patio, and my neighbours refer to me as "Dances with birds," because I scream like a banshee and swing the broom at the birds trying to nest in my hair.  I go through two bottles of conditioner a month to get the knots out after his "hair time."

Dayton's new teacher is informed of Dayton's medication and asked appropriate questions.  She seems to be prepared for Dayton and his needs, and made both Dayton and I very comfortable.  She didn't try to "get rid" of us, was friendly with Dayton, and was well organized.  I loved the way she set up the classroom, and loved that she put tennis balls on the feet of every chair in her classroom.  I pointed this out to Dayton, as he has a problem with "scraping noises."  Less distraction for him this way.  He also thought that was "cool."

We even ran into the guidance counselor, who had a smile on her face, and looked so refreshed.  Dayton hugged her, and showed her his new Chopper bike.   

So, tomorrow will be the first day of this new school year.  This is it.  The time has come.

Pray for me, especially my sanity.

Pray for Dayton.

Pray for his teachers, especially their sanity.

Pray for success!

Consider yourselves hugged,


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