Wednesday, 9 March 2011

In Your Anger Do Not Sin... Psalm 4:4

Leave it to my mom to make me feel like a heel (in a good way, I need a good head shake just like everyone else).  She read my last note on facebook, and while standing beside dad battling cancer, she thought of words to encourage me.  The woman is as selfless as they get.  Always humbling me, and making me feel guilty for being so selfish...  Anyway, I thought I'd share this story with you all, especially those of you with children on the autism spectrum...

"I thought of you when I read this story a week or so ago... If only everyone had God's Spirit in them and was sensitive to His promptings as this man was.
Quote as follows....."

In your anger do not sin... Psalm 4:4

I recently read a very relatable story. Author Kem Meyer tells of a friend who arrived at his church just before the service began. He sat down behind a family he didn't recognize. As he waited for the service to begin, he noticed that their teenage son was playing on his Gameboy.

As the service started this guy was irritated that the boy continued to play his game. The longer the service went on, the more agitated he became. It was on mute, but still distracting. Finally, he started to lean forward to ask the boy to put the game away, when something caused him to stop. It was just a split second.

As he leaned forward again, he tapped the boy on the shoulder and said, "Hey, you know what? I've got a guide with all the moves to beat that game, if you want it."

It was as if he had this In-your-anger-do-not-sin moment. God always gives us that moment.
As it turns out, that teenage boy in front him was autistic. And because of their son's inability to sit still, his family hadn't been able to attend church for years. They had been asked to leave public places numerous times because of the boy's erratic behavior.

God always gives us that moment – that split-second between anger and sin. It's easy to blow right through it – so easy to run that stop sign.

But if we can learn to recognize it, and respond well to it, it would make a huge difference in your relationships.
God always gives us that moment.

eCouragement by Doug Kyle 

Wow, I sure hope this doesn't mean that everyone on the face of this planet must be Christian an focus on Psalm 4:4  every single morning before heading out the door.  How I wish we all could do this... 

As in the words of my dad, who always  makes me feel loved and appreciated no matter how upset and aerate I get...  Consider yourselves hugged,


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